1640 Louie Carter Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32234 lwise@myfloridabugman.com 904-289-7171

Ticks and Lyme Disease – An Important Spring and Summer Treatment

Spring is when the bugs come out. Inside the house, we often worry about spiders, cockroaches, house centipedes, and other common pests. Outside, we usually think about wasps, hornets, maybe termites.

But one pest you do not always see can be one of the riskiest. Ticks - a small, parasitic insect related to spiders - are frequent guests in our lawns here in North Florida, and although their bites aren't necessarily painful or scary, the diseases they cause can be.

Local Tick Diseases

There are many species of ticks in the Jacksonville area, all of which can carry diseases and bacteria. But the ones we tend to worry about the most are known as "deer ticks," followed by the lone star tick and the American dog tick, are the ones we're worried about the most.

The deer tick, in particular, is a known carrier of the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease, a horrific infection that attacks the brain and can cause anxiety and depression, among many other physical challenges. Other ticks may lead to conditions like tick paralysis, which can be terrifying and potentially fatal.

With all ticks potentially spreading bacteria and viruses, a treatment for ticks should be a part of any homeowner's pest control strategy.

Treating for Ticks with Bug-Man Pest Service

Tick treatments and tick control are available as part of our Jacksonville pest control here at Bug-Man Pest Service. With state of the art solutions and a commitment to pest control science, we are available to help your lawn and property be tick free, so that it's safer for you and your family. Learn more about our tick treatment by contacting our team today.

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